Passing the time, Somehow



Boredom is when we have nothing to do, we’ve done everything that needs to be done for the day.When we feel bored, we try to find something to do to not be bored, like busywork, which can often be considered boring,  but in the heat of the moment, it’s at least something to do.  Boredom is an attitude that can often lead to great things, like productivity or creativeness with one’s surroundings.

Boredom doesn’t have to be just boredom. When we are bored, we sit around, and most of the time, we look for something to do to pass the time. I often find myself doing chores that I would normally not want to do, especially if I had other things to do. But often in boredom, we fall into a deeper state. A study reported on NPR observed that the more bored people found themselves, the more creative their ideas were for doing something with the surrounding objects. Many were very imaginative and creative with a plastic party cup,Aside from doing ordinary things, we can often see things around us from a more creative angle. When I have nothing to do, I usually find myself drawing or fiddling with the things around me, or on Saturday mornings, hunger and boredom combined usually makes a very good plate of scrambled eggs.

If you aren’t convinced by food yet, consider that whatever you do is a reward or a gift to yourself. A cleaner house, a nice-looking meal, or maybe a little arts-and-craft trinket or drawing can liven up your home or brighten your day. Of course boredom isn’t something that we should be in all the time, just those few occasions where you feel accomplished with your day and you “don’t” want to do anything else. It should be something more after a successful day, to reward yourself with an item or a memory, an experience that you will remember.

But of course, with modern day technology and phones, “we never have to be bored ever again.” NCR’s and WNYC’s podcast host, Manoush Zomorodi, had stated, it “fills every bored moment in our day with entertainment.” It is very much true, I see people, including myself, using my unspent time on my phone, apps, and social media so that I don’t sit around and sharply stare at the slightest movements in the area around me. I usually find myself in situations where there is too little time to do anything real with that small gap in the schedule, like in a waiting office, in the passenger seat of a car, or somewhere else. Especially the bathroom.

I, and possibly others, should try to spend less time on our phones, and a little bit more time in boredom to try and cater to our creativity. I need to see what is beyond the visible and imagine the possible. After all, what can we do?

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